Ian Williams
Master Rigger
Ian has been sailing dinghies since the age of nine and yachts from Quarter ton to over 100 feet, for over Thirty years, since the age of seventeen. Has raced extensively in Northern Europe and the USA at all levels and has enjoyed many successes. He Has over 50,000 miles of race/ delivery/ cruising experience, including Trans- oceanic experience.
He worked Professionally, managing, maintaining, rigging and sailing boats for more than twenty years. He captained yachts during this time including “Elusive” (Custom Baltic 55), “Jabula” (ex Sheherazade II. 98 Rob Ladd designed Custom), “Kirsten” (Swan 48), including overseeing numerous refits.
Having worked on a large number of Racing and cruising boats of all sizes. He has a clear understanding of virtually all systems found aboard yachts including knowledge of rigs, rigging, sail repair, splicing, engines, pumps, plumbing, hydraulic systems, generators, refer systems, Water makers, air conditioning systems, furling systems, Varnish work, AC + DC electrical systems, electronics, computers, Audio/ Video systems, Satellite, HF, and VHF Communication systems, weather imaging HF and APT, etc
Having settled down and started a family in the Late ‘90’s He specialized in Rigging work, working as rigging manager and special projects for Macdonald Yacht Rigging for 5 years. With the Retirement of “Scotty” MacDonald and the closing of the doors of MacDonald Yacht Rigging, He started up Ocean Rigging LLC with long time New England Rigger and Friend Rick Granville-Smith.

Master Rigger
Rick has sailed and raced all his life, Sailing extensively in Long Island sound, New England, To Bermuda many times, as well as the entire Eastern Seaboard, Florida and the Caribbean, He has been a Professional Rigger for over 35 years. As well as being one of the Principals at Ocean Rigging he enjoys blasting around the cans in his souped up Pearson Flyer.